Know YourSELf: A Journal of Social Emotional Learning in Self-Awareness
Know YourSELf is a Social Emotional Learning (SEL) journal of Self-Awareness. The journal is comprised of a collection of thought provoking quotes paired with reflective and introspective prompts intended to promote a deeper sense of Self-Awareness, an essential SEL competency. Know YourSELf can be used in small and whole group settings. It is most appropriate for grades 4-12, and can also be used as staff professional development in SEL. The journal is designed for individuals to respond to prompts and then share out their answers with one another. What starts as Self-Awareness transitions into Social Awareness when group members engage in meaningful conversations with one another based on their unique responses. Learning more about members of a group facilitates the development of relationships, builds community, and fosters a sense of belonging and acceptance. Each journal activity provides the opportunity for group members to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of themselves and one another.